How does vertical farming solve any type of geographic shortage and limitation?


Vertical farming

Vertical Farming

Date:11st  May. 2023   | Source: Ygreenhouse™️    | Author: Yu

The total area of the world is about 510,072,000 square kilometers. Seventy-one percent of it is covered with water. The world's population lives in 195 countries, with different geographical, political and development advantages, shortages and constraints, which mean that many countries are unable to produce and generate their own food needs.

According to reliable sources, there were 7.9 billion people in the world in May 2023, and we expect to reach 9.7 billion by 2050. What a huge number! By 2021, 800 million people do not have enough to eat based on their daily needs, and 250 million more are affected by food non-poverty. Obviously, with all the climate change, the political problems, the pandemics and the division of the world, by 2050, these numbers will also increase.

To provide people around the world with nutritionally adequate food, geographical shortages and limitations such as energy shortages, quality water shortages...... Vertical farming may be one of the best solutions for survival. For the most part over the past few years, we've read that vertical farming is an energy consumer and expensive...... Farming methodology. Many agricultural experts work hard to reject it, while many others think it is the future.

For example, when you are in a country with no oil reserves and some geopolitical issues about imports and exports, you should find a solution to your food security plan. In this case, the use of vertical agriculture, the installation of more efficient LED fill lights, more engineering base planting systems, the integration of renewable energy technologies with vertical farming systems, and the use of nano-bubble oxygen and plasma activated water in irrigation methods to increase yields, You can solve all the basic problems and cover the large capex requirements of vertical farming in conjunction with the dominant farming methods in your country/region.

Thus, this is a promising approach to modern agricultural techniques that will help achieve food security for the world's growing population!

Hydroponic system

Ms.Ariesyu (Export Manager)

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